Woodbridge's Aerial View

Liam O'Farrell produces artwork for Woodbridge School's Virtual Open Event.

With current restrictions, school open evenings for prospective pupils and parents is an impossibility, so like many schools, Woodbridge in Suffolk held a virtual open event, aided by Liam's detailed and tactile illustrations. Creating aerial views of the school's two sites, Liam's artworks were annotated to show the grounds and facilities, he explains, "I have illustrated several aerial views over the years and have to say Google Satellite view in 3D is a bit of a godsend. Prior to that, everything had to be measured and projected in 3d by hand. Although Google is a real help, it can only get you so far as the deeper details just aren’t there, so I required photographs of the site to provide everything I needed. To  add to the challenge, it wasn’t really wise for me to visit the site due to Covid. To bridge this gap, I teamed up with the staff at Woodbridge School. I pointed out with Photoshopped arrows on the Google images where the detail was needed, and they went out to shoot each part, then mailed them over to me in the studio. Together, we slowly built detailed drawings of each site until they were satisfied we had all we needed." See the virtual tour here.

liam o'farrell
aerial view

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