Young people, crime and creative rehab. A chat with a head of home in a secure children's unit

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

Young people, crime and creative rehab. A chat with a head of home in a secure children's unit
Public services budget cuts. Free public space built on, sold off, privatised. Poverty rising. Violent crime soars. The mental health crisis deepens. 2022 UK is a fierce place to grow up in 2022 if you are born into a fight. Without love, kindness, money, or guidance, bad things happen. We know this. The research supports what we already see and know and yet education continues to allow these unfortunate young people, who are all of our futures, to fall into the cracks. Too many of them end up in various secure children's units, where great work is being done to give them a chance of rebuilding broken lives. I'm joined by an unnamed head of home from one of the units to discuss her experiences of using creativity, care, and respect to tune into young people who have suffered and caused suffering when it need not be this way. It's a fascinating look at why further punishment and demonisation are not the way, and why a broader life education is essential for those who have not had a good start in life. Please subscribe and review to support The Creative Condition for free, and visit the founding sponsor of the show, Illustration X at
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