The Creative at the Crossroads. Peleg Top on reconnecting with our purest creativity

Ben Tallon's Creative Condition Podcast

The Creative at the Crossroads. Peleg Top on reconnecting with our purest creativity
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, many people tapped into some part of themselves they'd stopped listening to. As our lives got faster and more intensely paced than ever before, in the work hard, must achieve, and progress culture, we forgot to listen to our younger selves. Why did we want to create in the first place? What was it that made us feel the magic and wonder of being alive in those purer years of play and exploration? Why did we choose to go to art or design school? And when did we last stop to check we were still on the right course, and not just making money, or chasing someone else's definition of success? Peleg Top is a coach and mentor for accomplished creatives at a crossroads. We discuss his own story, and how his own emptiness as a designer left him in what he calls a 'spiritual crisis' before beginning to reconnect to his purpose. Digging into the observations and lessons he has learned, and now shares, we lay out some of the most common traps and remedies for others at their own personal creative crossroads. The show is kindly supported by Illustration X. See their global range of illustrators and animators, and learn about their work supporting the creative industry at now. Get your in to feedback @bentallon, @bentallonpod or Learn more about Peleg's mentorship work at: Find him on Linkedin at:
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